Adik Manja Returns (2012)
“Adik Manja Returns” is the long-awaited sequel to the successful “Adik Manja” directed by Othman Hafsham. The story still revolves around the misbehaviour of the female students in a private institution, which has now been taken over by the daughter of the previous headmaster, Pengetua Sofia (Rozita). However, Sofia is unable to control the discipline problems that plague the institution, so she resorts to seeking Azmi (Dharma Harun Al Rashid), something that her late mother advised her to do should she face those problems. Apparently, two rival dance groups known as Shuffle and Hip Hop, which are led by queen bees Bib and Su, respectively, are stirring up trouble among the other students.
Genre: Comedy
Director: Dharma Harun Al-Rashid
Actors: Adeline Tsen, Dharma Harun, Faezah Elai, Fida, Jihan (Raja Lawak), Juliana Evans, Rozita Che Wan
Country: Malaysia
Alhamdulillah macam tak percaya terasa sebak pula bila hajat saya di kabulkan, terima kasih banyak2 admin semoga Tuhan memberikan kebaikan kepada kamu, amim.
Salam Admin boleh uploadkan adik manja return 2012, yg admin uploadkan tadi adallah adik manja 1980
Link Dah Update…Trima Kasih
Sorry Boss Link 1080p Silap Upload Semalam Huhu
no worries memang terbaik, thanks bro.