After a mysterious spaceship crash landed on Earth, a boy named Amato came across a powerful robot named MechaBot. By outsmarting MechaBot and becoming its master, Amato can now utilize…
Amir, a widower has just transferred to a remote town in another state with his 5-year-old daughter, Bintang. Ulin is excited when Amir and Bintang move into their neighbourhood. One…
Amato finds a prison spaceship containing bad robots that have crashed to earth. One such robot is the MechaBot which has the ability to mechanise everyday objects into high-tech devices….
Malam sebelum majlis akad nikah Kak Ros, adiknya Kerol Lazania (KL), 10 tahun dipanggil untuk membuat raptai angkat dulang. Kerol ditugaskan untuk mengangkat dulang kasut yang akan diberikan kepada pengantin…