The movie follows the story of a PASKAU team led by Captain Adib and his mentor, Major Adnan, tasked with protecting humanitarians serving in war torn country, Namburi. On their…
One Cent Thief is a 2022 Malaysian television drama series created and written by Alfie Palermo and directed by Ariff Zulkarnain. Starring Syafiq Kyle, Faizal Hussein, Azira Shafinaz, Fabian Loo,…
Jebat (Sharnaaz Ahmad) merupakan seorang bekas ketua gangster yang berhijrah dan ingin memulakan hidup baru sebagai seorang penternak ikan. Hannah Mastura (Nelydia Senrose) pula seorang gadis cantik, bijak dan kaya…
Wildman AJ (AC Mizal) is colour blind. Salleh (Harun Salim Bachik) is a retired cop who tries to sell his invention to the police. The two hate each other but…