This film revolves around Karl Iskandar, the son of Tan Sri Hisyam Al-Bakri, who comes back to Malaysia to take over his father’s business. However, his return has revealed a…
I’m Rich tells the story of three orphaned siblings; Yassan, Yassun and Yassin. As older brothers, Yassan and Yassun traded chickens in the market to support their family. While the…
A story of three brothers who found an ancient historic journal, a family heirloom, which narrates their family tree from the Stone Age till the present time. Written was also…
Aku No. 1 is the first film directed by Aznil Nawawi and starring himself along with Azwan Ali. Filming took 25 days. Some scenes of this movie are based on…
A story about role models and idols, “Idola” tells the tale of Farah, a lawyer and the elder sister of Nana. Trouble brews when Nana starts to idolised Elise, a…